McCarthy Uniform COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease Update
At McCarthy Uniforms, the health and safety of our customers, employees and suppliers is critically important to us. To this end, we would like to update you with this FAQ below, which outlines the measures we are taking to protect both our collective health and supply chain integrity during the current coronavirus outbreak.
How does COVID-19 spread and can it be spread through imported uniforms?
- The World Health Organization has communicated that when someone who has COVID-19 coughs or exhales they release droplets of infected fluid.
- People can catch COVID-19 by touching contaminated surfaces or objects – and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
- The World Health Organization estimates that COVID-19 can survive for up to a few days on surfaces. This means that it is impossible that imported uniforms (that have been in transit for months) will have live virus from their country of origin.
What is McCarthy Uniforms doing to ensure its stores, FIT dates and in-school locations are safe?
McCarthy Uniforms currently has a four point plan in place to ensure the safety of our customers and employees.
- Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards) are currently being wiped with disinfectant regularly. All retail stores have been provided with ample hand sanitizer and Clorox disinfecting wipes. Store managers are encouraging customers to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving our locations.
- All McCarthy employees have been notified that there is zero flexibility for illness in the workplace. Any employee exhibiting even minor signs of a cold or flu are required to stay home and keep our HR team posted of any escalating symptoms. Thus far, no McCarthy employee has exhibited signs of illness. Our comprehensive benefits coverage does ensure that employees are not financially impacted by such sick leave.
- McCarthy’s has cancelled all work-related travel indefinitely. For those employees travelling for personal reasons, our HR team is keeping records of destinations Any employee visiting countries under quarantine will be required to work from home for the mandatory 14 day period upon return. Thus far, no employee is visiting a country in quarantine.
- Beginning today, customers will have free shipping, indefinitely. This measure will be taken to address concerns from our customers and teams regarding the requirement to physically interact within our retail stores.
What is the impact of the COVID-19 on the school uniform supply chain?
- McCarthy’s has a deep commitment to achieving above-average fulfillment rates. Part of our core practice is to ensure uniform supply is replenished quickly and that back-to-school inventory is well stocked with each new year. Our annual fall purchasing strategy takes a variety of risk-mitigation factors into account, including unexpected events, like the COVID-19 outbreak.
- As a result, the majority of our Back-To-School forecast is currently in stock in stores or our main warehouse.
- Our next shipments are scheduled to arrive in June and, thus far, are on track without disruption. We will continue to monitor the situation accordingly and are having weekly review meetings across our teams to monitor quantities on hand versus annual forecast.
- Should sell-through rates accelerate and inventory depletes faster than expected, we will keep you informed (through direct customized communication).
- We encourage all our school and workplace communities to shop early for critical pieces, in the event we experience higher than expected sell-through.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Please reach out to our team at 416-593-6900 with any questions or concern.
Vanessa Iarocci, CPA, CA
President, McCarthy Uniforms